We are always looking for talented individuals
You don't have to be perfect to be you. We don't care where you live, or if your English isn't great,
so what if you quit your last job because they wanted you in the office full time.
We care about what you can do in the way you can do it best.
If you are looking to make your fortune, we will not be the right fit
If one day we become famous and in demand then maybe we will.
Right now, making a little extra is what counts
But, what we can offer is,
Exposure to your talent
Varied and interesting ideas
A platform of creativeness
A chance for you to bring your ideas to the table
No fixed work times or 9-5 clock watching
Occasional mad panic deadlines
As for the rest, well we can figure that out along the way.
There are no contracts to hold you, no paperwork with a bunch of BS rules, however, at the end of the day we are all responsible to each other and what we do reflects on our outcomes.